January 9, 2023

How to get your mindset right for the New Year

New Year, New Me right?


The new year is when most people decide to make personal or business changes. While putting a line in the sand is a great way to get started creating a shift in existing behaviours, usually after one or two weeks of good intentions, the busy-ness of the "new year" and lack of planning can set you up for failure. An alternative to a new year's resolution is getting your mindset right for the new year instead.


Focusing on a new mindset instead will remove the pressure and overwhelm many face when making changes to their lives or business.


Reflect on what you did well last year and write it down. No accomplishment or win is too small, and each one should be celebrated. Why not get into the habit of starting or ending your week doing this? This simple act will release feel-good hormones from your brain and re-energise you for the week and year ahead.


Instead of focusing on specific achievements, focus on the act of the goals. Many say losing weight is a goal for them in the new year and want to lose X amount of weight. However, as all know, most diet goals fail quickly. So why not focus on acts that will help you lose weight? For example, not snacking at night or committing to walking the dog every day. Same with business. Instead of having a goal of increasing revenue by $5,000 a month, focus on acts that will generate revenue, like focusing on your organic marketing to build your business awareness or tightening your onboarding or sales process to minimise new sales loss.


The new year is an opportunity to view things as fresh starts. The beginning of the new year signifies a new period, a clean slate to leave the past in the past and focus on the opportunities another year can provide. Leverage that mindset but apply it for the week or month ahead. Start the week by telling yourself that what happened last week is done, and there are new and exciting possibilities for you and your business this new week.


Work with a business coach, advisor or coach to keep yourself accountable and help you maintain a winning and growth mindset. These people don't just help aid you with growing your business but keep you on track with motivation and be a soundboard that can improve your mindset during challenging times.


Sarah has been empowering business owners for the past 18years to understand and command their financial future while motivating and keeping them accountable for achieving their dreams.


Suppose you've been considering getting support for yourself as a business owner but are unsure what to look for in a coach or advisor. In that case, you should listen to Financial FoFu's podcast episode, When to get a Business Coach.




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